Why "Between The Lines?"

What's in a name? Technically, we called it Between the Lines because we're located between the red and blue Max lines, in Downtown Portland. But if you read between the lines..... ... see what we did there? We're kinda big on puns around here. Sorry. No, the fact is that naming a new venture is an under appreciated level of organization. We tossed around a lot of ideas, and ultimately came to the conclusion that we wanted to avoid the standard way of naming a music school, which is to say we didn't want to have a specifically "music term pressed into service as a school name." (Not that there's anything wrong with that!) Anyway, we thought that one of the big differences between us and our competition is our location - right in the heart of Portland's Downtown. We hope to be able to take advantage of that market, recruiting students who are adults that work (and possibly live) at the heart of the city, and want an opportunity to study...