Should I Continue (Or Start) Music Lessons In the Summer?

It's a valid question. When I was a young music student in Canada, it seemed crazy to even consider taking music lessons over summer vacation, and I'm sure my parents were happy that they didn't have to drive me to my music teacher's house in the middle of summer with no air conditioning in the car! But I also remember going back to my lessons after a long summer holiday and being frustrated that the songs I'd played so beautifully in June seemed impossible in September. As an adult, I've enjoyed taking workshops and classes over the summer - picking up a new skill or polishing something that I've done for years, and it seems to give me a head-start and some much needed momentum in my practicing, playing and singing. It may sound a trifle self-serving for us at Between the Lines Music School to be arguing in favor of summer lessons... but there are lots of great reasons to take lessons in the summer. For ongoing students, it keeps up the momen...