
Showing posts from August, 2016

Commit or Quit?

What will you do when your child tells you she wants to quit music lessons?  Because, let's face it, the likelihood is that, at some point (or points), they will want to quit, so we might as well be prepared for the conversation. Music lessons (and the practicing they require) are not completely, 100% fun all the time. There are complex skills involved, both physical and intellectual, for every instrument; skills that don't come easily or intuitively. For every breakthrough, there is often a long period of feeling "stuck." Most of the time, when kids say they want to quit lessons, it actually means they want to quit practicing . Unfortunately, it is the practicing that eventually allows the playing part to be so much fun! And it can take years of lessons to get to the point where a student is truly self-motivated to keep playing and practicing and learning. So many students quit before they reach that point... and those are the students who come back to B...