Back to (Music) School!
Labor Day Already!?!? So, here we are in September! We are refreshed after a lovely Portland summer and looking forward to our new "teaching year!" I remember reading an essay by Robert Fulghum (the " All I Ever Needed to Know I Learned In Kindergarten Guy") that talked about how, even after many years being out of school, he still felt like September felt more like the beginning of a cycle of living than January did. I can totally relate to that. Summer sun and heat and time at the beach or by the pool feels like the reward for all your hard work during the last twelve months, and September, when the Northwest rains return, feels like time to get back to business. We at Between the Lines are excited to get back into the groove, so to speak, and we encourage you to do the same. Whether you took lessons last month, last year, or twenty years ago, take advantage of our Back to (Music) School Discount Coupon! Right now, you can receive 10% OFF with the purc...