How to Stay Musically Motivated in the Summer

Summer's (Almost) Here! The sun is coming out from behind the clouds, school's (finally) wrapping up - it's time to get outside and have some fun! So how can we stay motivated and keep learning when there's so much more that's fun to do? We all know that taking the whole summer off from music lessons results in losing skills, which means that going back in the fall is frustrating because we "could totally play this, before!" A New Attitude So, first of all, we need to re-adjust our attitude towards music lessons and practicing. Ideally, this would happen all year round, but now's as good a time as any to start! Practicing piano (or guitar, or ukulele, or voice, or....) shouldn't feel like a punishment. It isn't any fun when your character keeps dying in your favorite video game, either, but you persevere and figure out how to win each "boss fight" - the frustration when you can't figure out a tricky phrase in a song...