Snow Day(s)!?!

What are these "Snow Days" of which you speak? Let me first preface this entry by mentioning the fact that I grew up in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. If there had been such a thing as a "snow day" in Edmonton, no child would have attended school between November (or sometimes October) and early April (or sometimes May). So the whole concept of a city more or less shutting down after a snowfall was pretty foreign to me, until I moved to Portland. Now, listen, I get it. We're in really hilly territory here, and unlike Edmonton, where the temperature goes below freezing and can be counted on to stay there for months at a time, here in Portland we'll get snow, and freezing rain, and then more snow and it hovers around the freezing point for days, melting and re-freezing and causing undriveable ice rinks over most of the city. I also understand that this year has produced record-setting levels of snowfall. That said, however, as a teacher of private mus...